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 FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 25
Localisation : windurst ^^
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2006

FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitimeDim 12 Mar - 16:57

Voilà...n'ayant pas trouver de post concrêt sur l'add-on, je me décide à faire le journaliste des news concernants...cette "suite".

Tout d'abord...certaines parties seront en anglais...vu la quantité d'infos...je ne ferais pas les traductions, mais vous avez des questions sur des choses en anglais que vous ne comprennez pas, je me ferai un plaisir d'y répondre.

Bien...par ou commencer?! Les "rumeurs" peut-être??!!
Trois nouveaux jobs déjà présentés
- Blue Mage
- Corsair
- Puppetmaster
Les avis des fans divergent, je m'explique: certains pensent que le blue mage sera une pale copie d'un black mage apprennants les techniques des ennemis...d'autres affirment que les trois jobs seront totalement différents de ceux actuels! Bref le débat est lancé (Corsair serait assimilé à un mélange de bard et red mage, lancait des buff et debuff avec les balles de ses armes et des cartes, le puppetmaster ressemble quand à lui à un style de beastmaster, vous controlez un pet "poupée" on n'en sait pas +)

Les nouveautés pour les jobs déjà existants!!!!!! (en anglais)

Et oui voilà sans doute les révélations les plus...intéressantes actuellements, car SE semble mettre à niveau tous les jobs et leur donner de nouvelles abilities, weapons, spell, etc qui feront que chaque job à un role unique et "irremplacable"!!!

Source: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/forum.html?forum=10;mid=1141871674105963075;num=309;page=1

et plus précisément :

Chocobo Raising
They emphasized that this will not be a very time consuming activity. It will be on par with gardening. However, you must care for, feed, and interact with your chocobo. They mentioned letting your Chocobos ´meet´ your friends´ Chocobos and see what happens... They also hinted at Chocobo Racing as a future activity.

Mog Locker
This is bought in Aht Urghan and starts out at thirty slots. It can initially be upgraded to fifty slots, but future updates may increase the size limit.

Q: Breed different colored Chocoboss
A: Can only say: not limited to yellow

Q: Class specific solo quests?
A: Solo quests, yes
likes idea for race specific quests

They notice that most warriors only use a few of the available weapons. They want to add in more ways to use the existing weapons so there is an actual benefit to it. They also want to add benefits to using subjobs other than Ninja. Finally, they announced a potential new job ability allowing the Warrior to throw his Axe.

Currently, Monk is strictly an engage and beat on the mob kind of job. They want to add more skills so there are other uses for the job in a party. One potential idea is allowing the Monk to transfer some of his massive HP to party members.

White Mage
They want to make White Mages more specialized so there is more reason to invite a White Mage instead of a Summoner, Red Mage, or even Black Mage as a healer. They want to give more options than just cure botting. They gave two ideas for ability modifications. First, adding an ability to transfer HP and MP to party members. The other was enhancing Benediction so it cures status effects as well as healing HP.

Black Mage
They started out by recognizing how ungodly powerful Black Mages are. There are plans to make Manaburns less powerful. They want to make it so having more than one Black Mage in a party makes them less effective, or redundant maybe. There will be new spells, but they will not be announced. They did mention that we will definitely know when they are put in.

Red Mage
They also mentioned this is a pretty powerful job. They did not, however, say anything about reducing the power of this job. They mentioned new Red Mage only spells, but will not mention what they are.

They made mention of how technical this job is, in terms of positioning. I did not get the idea that this would be change, but they *did* mention making abilities distributed among the party. They mentioned altering steal so it steals things other than items. (dot dot dot) Also, they mentioned improving the two-hour so it is useful for more than just running away. One possibility is making so when the two-hour is active, the thief does more damage from behind the mob.

They made mention of how Paladin has been taking a distinct second seat to Ninja lately. They definitely want this to be changed, so they are on more even footing. Some possibile new abilities are Auto-Refresh, enhancing uses for shields, and gaining TP when the Paladin makes a succesful Shield Block.

Dark Knight
They notice that Dark Knights seem to forgo their Scythes to use mainly Great Sword. They want to make Scythe more effective so it is more desirable. They also mentioned adding more reasons to use absorb spells by adding effects to them.

Beast master
They have definitely heard the complaints about how the MPK change affected Beastmaster. They feel this change is fine as Beastmaster still has the potential to be incredibly powerful. They will not change it back, but they are looking into adding new abilities to the job to help it out.

They made mention that they know Bards tend to use the same few songs over and over again. They want to make it so there is more variety to the songs. They also mentioned a lower level spell to "increase player speed." This is most likely a Mazurka as there is already a low level Haste song.

They are trying to make more people pleased with the current distance requirements for ranged attacks. One potential modification is sharpshot removes the accuracy adjustment with range. They also mentioned adding more quiverable arrows.

Since the main thing about Samurai is building TP, they want to add more ways for Samurai to use their TP. They also mentioned adding a trait so Samurai attacks lower the monster´s TP.

"The Ninja is very strong." This is an exact quote from the Monster Planner. They did make it very clear that they will not make the job weaker. This is one of their biggest problems in front of them and they are still trying to figure out what to do about it.

They are still examining the effects of current changes, so nothing is planned in the near future for this job.

They do not like that Avatars are summoned only for BPs. They want there to be more incentive to keep Avatars out during battle. They also said there are changes planned to make the strength and duration of BPs affected by summoning skill. They are looking into adding more avatars, but they made it very clear that Bahamut is not one of them. The main reason is he is very powerful and they would have to make him less powerful to preserve game balance.

Blue Mage
Acquisition of Spells

Can only get new abilities with Blue Mage as main
Must Defeat enemy before ability can be learned
Must be able to get XP from a mob to learn a spell from it
Can´t learn it if you die
Must be within a certain distance of the monster

Setting Spells

Must ´Set´ a learned spell
Blue Mage has ´set-up´ points, based on level
Each spell costs a certain number of ´set-up´ points
In addition to ´set-up´ points, a maximum number of spells can be set
All Blue Magic depends on monster types. If you learn a Bird Spell, you use it on monsters weak to Birds. Some abilities will be skillchainable and burst-able. Not all monster abilities will be available, but many will. More will be added with future patches.

Main Abilities

Random cards, 1 - 6, affects self or monster
One card is chosen, an effect happens, next card is chosen, an effect happens, and then the two numbers are added. It is like blackjack with the break point being 11.
Cards adding to 11 gives a best effect, a Bust gives a penalty
Will give bonuses based on other jobs in the party. Examples given include a Warrior present gives everyone a double attack bonus, or a Blm present gives everyone a Magic Attack Bonus, etc.Other Traits/Abilities

Card Shot - use a card to enhance a shot from the gun
Increase potency of debuffs on monsters, such as Dia
Lower recast timers of party members

Quelques liens vidéos fort intéressants:
Trailer et Puppetmaster, à voir.[/i]

New's Edit: Pour ceux qui ne le saurait pas encore...un Patch de langage est prévu pour FF11, en français et allemand. Ainsi que l'auto-translate par la même occasion. (Kevin incoming?)

Dernière édition par le Mar 14 Mar - 21:29, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 25
Localisation : windurst ^^
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2006

FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitimeDim 12 Mar - 17:06

Suite à cette new, j'aimerais lancer quelques débats.

Aht Urghan sera une nouvelle ville, comme les autres (sandy, windy, bastok).
Disposant donc en toute logique...d'un airship? Et peut-être même d'un réseau maritime?!
New airship = Port jeuno modifié?

Il semblerait également d'après le site officiel sur l'add-on, que des batailles (pour moi ça ressemble à un style de garrison) dans la ville pour empêcher les mobs de s'approprier 5 crystaux détenus par des npc vont être créées. Ou l'on pourra combattre côte à côte avec des npc de différents "grades".

Aht Urghan, ville de départ, cela signifie donc aussi un rank10 à faire pour cette ville? Bien...de quoi occuper nos chers lvl75 lol.

Comme vous avez pu le lire....des couleurs spécifiques pour nos chocobos? Very Happy
La aussi le débat est lancé chez les joueurs...chocobo de couleurs avec nouvelles spécificités? (courir sur l'eau etc) ou juste un style de tuning pour que chacun aient son ptit chocobo à son goût? Cela impliquant aussi peut-être le fait de devoir l'élever, et qu'on pourrait cette fois en déscendre sans qu'il s'en aille? ^^ Ainsi que des courses de chocobo? Wouhou ^^
Encore pleins de questions pour ceux qui aimeraient débattre avant la sortie de l'add-on.

Vous remarquerez aussi dans la vidéo Trailer...un personnage apparaissant à la fin...Personnellement il me fait penser à un certain...Odin. Pas vous?
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FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitimeLun 13 Mar - 1:39

Arhyn's edit ^^

Donc en ce qui concerne les nouveaux mode ya les mode assaut qui a pas l'air mal non plus , mercenaire engagé pour aller faire une mission avec ses amis ou des npc , et p-e possibilité que des personnes exterieure se ramene >.> donc va y avoir du sports xD.

Sinon en ce qui concerne des ability pour un chocobo j'y croit pas trop perso , comme pour les level 80 maxi , courir sur l'eau ou autre truc du genre = mort de l'airship ou des ligne maritimes donc j'pense pas que ce soit forcement une bonne idee :/ , sinon course de chocobo et elever son propre chocobo ca peut etre un bon truc (cool paye pu 5k le choco a mea woohoo xD)

Trailer j'ai pas check , je check plus tard parce que j'retourne au taff , @+ les 'tit loups.[/i]
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Nombre de messages : 87
Localisation : Bostaunieux Oubliette cachot # 23
Date d'inscription : 27/03/2005

level main: 75
level sub.:

FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitimeLun 13 Mar - 23:27

apparement pour les choco ils y auras bien des couleurs differentes , apres la signification de ces couleurs : mystere !

pour l'acces a Aht Urghan ,seul mhaura sera disponible , donc aucun changement a port jeuno :

FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> 93002720060223screen0169lc9bd
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Nombre de messages : 25
Localisation : windurst ^^
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2006

FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitimeMar 14 Mar - 2:18

merci de ce petit éclaicissement darmin ^^
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dieu vivant

Nombre de messages : 334
Localisation : KSC/JSP
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2005

FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitimeDim 19 Mar - 22:07

Moi je voulais savoir si SE va faire quelque chose pour evité tout ce rasisme vi a vi des gouffre qui subsiste entre mes Job.
la liste c'est bien des actions sa serais mieu, moi je doute encore...
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Nombre de messages : 11
Localisation : ile de re (17)
Date d'inscription : 26/12/2005

FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitimeLun 10 Avr - 20:34

pour seux qui ont du mal en anglais la s est en francais

source darkalinace : http://www.thedarkalliance.net/breve64.html
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Nombre de messages : 25
Localisation : windurst ^^
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2006

FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitimeMer 26 Avr - 23:30

Je re-up juste le sujet pour demander si le forum aura de nouvelles rubriques pour l'add-on? ^^ C'est Wofeur qui s'occupe de ça je pense? Donc si quelqu'un a son mail/msn/etc ^^ ce serait sympa.
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FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Avr - 0:44

balance lui un mp , y repond souvent car y check malgré lui toujours le forum Smile
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FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!>   FFXI: Aht Urghan <News!!> Icon_minitime

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